Television: Traumatic Brain Injury/Insomnia, Transitioning/PTSD
Managing the Problems of Daily Living on Bloomfield Community Television:
Robert Spencer, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, and Sarah Richards, MSW, Clinical Social Worker, Ann Arbor VA Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, Traumatic Brain Injury/Insomnia, Transitioning/PTSD. (airing week of January 22, 2017). Veterans, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, combat veterans, insomnia, neuropsychology.
Book Chapter: A Review of Neuropsychology Science and Practice
Bieliauskas, L. A., Drag, L. L., & Spencer, R. J. (2015). Long-term outcomes from traumatic brain injury. In S. Koffler, J. Morgan, B. Marcopulos, and M. F. Greiffenstein (Eds.). A Review of Neuropsychology Science and Practice, Volume II. (pp. 26-69). New York: Oxford University Press.
Television: Veterans' Sleep Related Issues and Transitioning into Civilian Life
Managing the Problems of Daily Living on Bloomfield Community Television:
Patrick Hannah, USMC, MSW, Manager, Student Veterans Resource Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI and Dr. Robert Spencer, Ph. D., Chief of Neuropsychology, Ann Arbor VA Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI. Issues with student veterans transitioning from military life to civilian life.
Book Chapter: APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology: Vol I: Roots and Branches
Spencer, R. J. & Adams, K. M. (2016). Clinical Neuropsychology. In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, and D. K. Freedheim (Eds.). APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology: Volume I: Roots and Branches. (pp. 259-278). Washington D.C.: APA.